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How much is 700 Million Gallons?

August 18, 2013

Quick answer: an astronomical amount.

It’s the amount of polluted glycols we create just in the States every year. Many believe this waste is choking the life out of our water supplies around the globe. We decided to think of some creative places to put all that waste. Please, don’t try to do any of these yourself... used glycols are a hazardous waste, and exposure can be deadly.

Brim Yankee Stadium Seven Times

yankee stadium

image courtesy of wikimedia


Yankee Stadium would be filled to overflowing once per month during the season, and once for the off-season.

Fans, its just an analogy to help the environment... dont send us angry mail.

Cowboys Stadium Like a Coffee Mug

cowboys stadium

image courtesy of wikimedia


Ever order coffee with room for cream (or soy milk)? Thats about how full Cowboys Stadium, arguably the largest NFL stadium, would be. 700 Million gallons is 90% capacity, and we mean almost to the top of the dome.

Overflow Two of the Tallest Skyscrapers

Both the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower in Chicago) AND the Empire State Building would overflow if our waste glycol was poured into them each year.


image courtesy of wikimedia

Fill 46,667 Backyard Swimming Pools

IF each household in Hartford, CT had a backyard

and a swimming pool… we could fill them all with the dirty glycols created each year.


map Hartford CT
image courtesy of googlemaps


OK. This isn’t exact. We didn’t actually go count all the houses ourselves. This time. Calculations are based on data from the US Census.

Create a 17,222 Mile Long Stream

12” wide x 12” deep, waste glycol would span 17,722 miles.


A 35-hour flight on a 777 would fly over all of it. Bring about 23 movies for your in-flight entertainment.

image courtesy of wikipedia

Or, take a really long walk. In 184 days of continuous walking you would get to see it all.

Make a Cross-Country River

If we use polluted glycol to create a river as wide as an NBA All Star player is tall ( 7’ 3” to be exact) and 1 foot deep...


The river would stretch from New York City to Los Angeles.


image courtesy of googlemaps


You could survey this river of waste by driving 10 hours a day for four days, plus one extra hour. No stops.


The future can be cleaner.

At GlyEco we like to provide information as well as solutions to todays chemical waste problems. Dedicated to creating a future with less dirty glycol going to waste. Its a big job. We are up to the challenge. We are proud to have created breakthrough technology to recycle waste glycol, help safeguard the environment and create valuable green products.